Tag: sharepoint

Not Sure How to React

Microsoft has chosen React as their framework of choice for adding functionality to SharePoint. In this session, we will discuss some reasons as to why this is the case and why you should consider using React in your projects.

Demystifying MinRole in SharePoint Server 2016
Demystifying MinRole in SharePoint Server 2016
Blog Posts

MinRole – I hope everyone would agree with me when I say that “MinRole” has become a buzz word among many SharePoint folks ever since Microsoft released SharePoint Server 2016. I myself have personally read many articles/blogs and viewed some videos on it to understand in detail about MinRole and how to make use of… READ MORE

Rich Text Column in SharePoint Document Library
Rich Text Column in SharePoint Document Library
Blog Posts

Problem: Could not add rich text columns to SharePoint document library, Picture Library and other type of Libraries! Little background: End user created in document library with type “Description” column as “Multiple lines of text”and expecting this column to is expecting to have the Rich text capability. so, tried editing the column, and found no… READ MORE

How to search in SharePoint
How to search in SharePoint
Blog Posts

Discover this guide on How to Search in SharePoint You may be surprised to find out that dumping some Search words into a SharePoint Search box and pressing enter is actually the minimum you can do to get search results. SharePoint search comes with a bunch of additional features that let you enhance the quality of… READ MORE