Tag: Azure

Someday Soon My Developer May Be a Microservice in the Cloud
Someday Soon My Developer May Be a Microservice in the Cloud
Blog Posts

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is not really a new thing, but growing popularity of private and public cloud-based microservices pushes this idea to the next level of software architecture and design. This article explores what microservices are, why their use is increasing and how using them may change the role of traditional software developers. A… READ MORE

Store Twitter mentions on blog posts in Azure database using Azure Logic App and Azure API App
Store Twitter mentions on blog posts in Azure database using Azure Logic App and Azure API App
Blog Posts

As blogger it fancies me when people react on the post with comments. But the first thing you do with your post is placing it on a social platform like twitter. Instead of reacting on the blog itself, readers mostly react via twitter. Wouldn’t it be cool to have those twitter comments at your blog post? This article describes a technique using Azure Logic Apps to get the mentions on your blog posts into an Azure database.