Speaker Spotlight: Richard Conway

Speaker Spotlight is your chance to get to know the ESPC22 Speakers! Find out what projects they are most proud of, advice, tips, their favourite films and more!

Introducing Richard Conway, Microsoft RD, MVP

My name is Richard Conway. I’m a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in Azure. I’m a Director of Elastacloud which is a Data Science consultancy working across key business sectors such as retail, finance, engineering and others. As well as my role in business, I’m an author of books and courses and a key contributor to Apache open source projects with a love for all things cloud and data.

Please recommend one ESPC22 Session (you can’t pick your own 😊)

Nope been through it definitely mine. Cleaning up your Act. Fundamentals of Green Software Development

Can you briefly discuss a project you are most proud of?

My son lol, failing that a cybersecurity platform that scaled to trillions of rows on ADX as well as a multi-petabyte data lake using true lambda and kappa architectures. It was quite exciting as there aren’t that many projects at that kind of scale.

What is your favourite film?

Super Early Bird
The Abyss

What is the best career or life advice you have received to date?

Don’t overcommit

Have you any tips on receiving a MVP status?

Join Avenade or spend a good few years to build a community, podcast and blog incessantly


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