Recently I worked on a Project where I had to provision and modify the Office 365 Groups using the Microsoft Graph APIs. During testing, I had to get the Group ID and pass it to a custom REST endpoint we had built. We used PostMan to test the endpoint. We can find the ID of office 365 group ID using Microsoft Graph APIs. This approach is fine for the developers but we needed to involve a Power user in the testing. I started digging deep into the Office 365 Groups and that’s when I discover that there are multiple ways to find out the ID of office 365 group.
How to find the ID of office 365 group?
Option 1)
Using Microsoft Graph
Option 2) Using User Interface (These steps are valid as of January 31st ,2017):
Login to using Office 365 account.
Click on the Mail Icon.
In the Left-Hand Navigation, expand the “Groups” and click on the Office 365 group in consideration.
Hover over “View group files and activity” and you will find the Group’s team site URL. If you are using Chrome, click on the “Copy Link Address” and paste the link in the notepad. You will find the Group’s team site URL in the following format. . The ID here is the Office 365 group’s ID. For example, in this case, the ID of Office 365 Group is “e90402f7-33d8-4322-b63c-eaab8b9e3ce6”.
Option 3) Using Outlook 2016 (These steps are valid as of January 31st 2017):
Expand the Groups in the Outlook and select the Office 365 group in consideration.
Right click on “View group files and activity” and paste the link in the notepad. You will find the Group’s team site URL in the following format. . The id here is the Office 365 group’s ID. For example, in this case, the ID of Office 365 Group is “e90402f7-33d8-4322-b63c-eaab8b9e3ce6”.
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