How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps

In this blog, we are going to see how to use the patch function to update a SharePoint Person column in Power Apps. 

In a SharePoint list we have a column RequestedBy, our goal is to update a RequestedBy (Person type) from Blank to “Nagalingam Ravishankar”.


Meeting Request (SharePoint List)

127/12/2022 10:47AM27/12/2022 10:47AM

Patch Function Code

    'Meeting Request',
    LookUp('Meeting Request', ID=1),
        RequestedBy: {
           Claims: "i:0#.f|membership|",
           Department: "",
           DisplayName: "Nagalingam Ravishankar",
           Email: "",
           JobTitle: "",
           Picture: ""


Meeting Request (SharePoint List)

1Nagalingam Ravishankar27/12/2022 11:47AM

There is another way to Patch a value from a combo box to a People field.

How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps

ComboBox Properties Code

Items: Choices('[@Meeting Request'].RequestedBy)
DisplayFields: ["DisplayName"]
SearchFields: ["DisplayName"]

Patch Function Code

    'Meeting Request',
    LookUp('Meeting Request', ID=1),
        RequestedBy: ComboBoxPerson.Selected

That’s it, I hope you have seen how to use the patch function to update a SharePoint Person column in Power Apps. Feel free to fill up the comment box below if you need any further assistance.

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About the Author

Working as Software Engineer at Cognizant. I’m a C# Corner MVP, Blogger, and Speaker. Having 5+ years of experience over Microsoft technologies and expertise in SharePoint, Power Apps, Power Automate, C#.NET, Microsoft Azure, IoT, Angular, Python and PowerShell.


Ravishankar, N., 2022, How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps, Available at: How To Patch A SharePoint Person Column In Power Apps ( [Accessed on 10 January 2023]

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