Taming the Teams Chaos

Way too many teams, all kinds of private and shared and whatnot channels, and a huge amount of private chats with multiple topics mixed together. Tens of (mostly unnecessary!) notifications, an unfunctional search feature, and the feeling of always missing out on something important. Does this sound familiar?

Teams were a lifesaver for big and small businesses during the pandemic, but the toll of never really taking the time to agree on how to use it still haunts us. Keeping your teams, chats and notifications in control is fully possible, but it requires a little bit of shared and personal effort.

In this session, I’ll share best practices and proven methods to take control back – from an end-user perspective. I’ll share tips for creating and adopting common communication guidelines for Teams, tips for training topics, and real success (and failure!) stories from brave organizations trying to tame the Team’s chaos.


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