You are a developer using Power Apps Component Framework? Or maybe you are an architect designing code components? Maybe you are working with Model-Driven Apps, maybe with CustomPages or Canvas Apps.
Join me on a session where we talk about how to design the PCFs to achieve the best integration with Power Apps. From PCF parameter interaction, taking the full power of the dataset features vs own webAPI requests, one big PCF vs more smaller ones, best integration with the power of low-code; or consider integrating code components in Power Apps Grid vs a dataset PCF.
By adjusting the right parameters, we can minimize the implementation effort and maximize the flexibility, maintainability and performance. Benefit from the experience gained from the top challenges I had in projects!
Benefits of Attending this Session:
- Learn to design code components for Power Apps, for a better integration with the platform
- Learn the full power of PCF dataset api.
- Learn about the customizer control for Power Apps Grid