Leverage Real-Time Intelligence and Power Automate to act promptly on your Business Apps and Events

Your business runs real-time with suppliers, customers and market trends changing around the clock, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Your workplace is increasingly relying on devices, sensors and signals from many sources. How can you gain real-time insights from your operations as they happen, react to opportunities as they present themselves…

Fabric’s Real-Time Intelligence allows your organization to Collect, Analyze and Act on events from Dynamics 365 and other business applications, signals from devices and sensors, Web logs from eCommerce applications and more. Create alerts that establish limits or ranges of acceptable values and take actions with Power Automate if a value exceeds once, or exceeds multiple times, or stays out of range for a defined window.​

See how your organization can create powerful low-code automations in Dynamics 365 and other business apps using the Power Platform with Fabric real-time analytics.


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