Just say yes: How to approach an unplannable career

In today’s fast-paced world, planning a career can feel like a challenge. The path is rarely a straight line, with uncertainty and rapid change as the only constants. How can you chart a clear course when everything around you is in motion?
Join Matthew Roche, Program Manager on the Fabric CAT team at Microsoft, and Denis Selimovic, Microsoft MVP and Principal Consultant at b.telligent, as they share their unique yet remarkably similar career journeys. Despite different starting points, both have built successful careers by embracing the unexpected, seizing opportunities, and saying “yes” to the unknown.
In this session, Matthew and Denis will reflect on the ups and downs of their careers, discussing how much you can truly plan and what strategies can still lead to meaningful progress. Whether you’re at the beginning of your career or navigating the next steps, you’ll learn how to approach an unplannable career with confidence, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.
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