Witivio is a leading global provider of Microsoft Teams solutions. The ISV expertise relies on the deep technical and functional understanding of creating new features for Teams. Clients can make working on Teams a unique experience for the employees while optimizing their business processes.

Trusted by more than 500,000 users and 40,000 companies across the globe, PRO by Witivio solution helps employees achieve more and better collaborate in Microsoft Teams.

For example, with KeePass Pro, employees can save and share their passwords securely in Teams, avoiding the risk of sharing passwords by email.

Among others, PRO also includes an app to administer the workspaces and resources; Booking Room Pro, is a workplace booking app that makes it easy to manage rooms, desks, and equipment by booking them on Teams.

Microsoft France recognized the startup as Partner of the Year 2020 — Startup Category acknowledged for its contribution during the 2020 coronavirus crisis with the Microsoft Teams app, InfoCovid. And, recently, awarded the Teams App – O-Bot with Best Microsoft Teams App 2022.


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