Kanwal Khipple, Founder and CEO of 2toLead, is a leading User Experience expert within the SharePoint industry, with experience in building solutions for employee portals, intranet, extranets and public facing sites (many based off of Microsoft’s SharePoint platform and Office 365). Kanwal’s passion lies in continuing to push for user experience innovation when redesigning intranets for majority of the largest brands in the world. He continues to preach on the importance of designing with usability as the primary focus. Kanwal’s thirst to share knowledge has made him a prominent figure within the SharePoint community. It’s taken him all around the world to speak on branding and design of SharePoint. Because of his passion and his involvement in many community driven events, including launching successful user groups in Canada and the USA, Kanwal has been recognised as a SharePoint MVP. Make sure you read Kanwal’s latest book on Pro SharePoint 2013 and Responsive Web Development. If you are at all interested in Design and User Experience, make sure you reach out to him personally on LinkedIn, as he’ll be happy to connect with you and answer any questions you might have.