Category: SharePoint 2016

SharePoint 2016 is Microsoft’s document management and collaboration tool with a software-as-a-service (SAAS) strategy at its core. Like SharePoint 2013, the product is offered in the cloud as part of the Office 365 suite and is known as SharePoint Online; the on-premises version is known as SharePoint Server 2016.

Microsoft identified simple sharing and seamless collaboration, the ability to Engage and inform your organisation, a focal point to harness collective knowledge and the ability to transform business processes as some of the main features in this release of SharePoint.

Therefore, with this update, the SharePoint 2016 category is full of handy tips, tricks, advise and How To videos specifically for new and existing SharePoint 2016 users. Check out some of the Step by Step blogs or learn with our expert blogs, eBooks, How To videos and Webinars.

Add more Smarts to your bot:Detecting emotions from giphy posts
Add more Smarts to your bot:Detecting emotions from giphy posts
Blog Posts

I’ve been blogging about bots since April, 2016 which was about the time I discovered Microsoft’s amazing bot framework. I’ve written a series of how to detect user intent based on text messages using LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service) you can find it here. In this post I’ll talk about understanding user emotion using the Giphy… READ MORE

Rich Text Column in SharePoint Document Library
Rich Text Column in SharePoint Document Library
Blog Posts

Problem: Could not add rich text columns to SharePoint document library, Picture Library and other type of Libraries! Little background: End user created in document library with type “Description” column as “Multiple lines of text”and expecting this column to is expecting to have the Rich text capability. so, tried editing the column, and found no… READ MORE

How to search in SharePoint
How to search in SharePoint
Blog Posts

Discover this guide on How to Search in SharePoint You may be surprised to find out that dumping some Search words into a SharePoint Search box and pressing enter is actually the minimum you can do to get search results. SharePoint search comes with a bunch of additional features that let you enhance the quality of… READ MORE

Simple (but effective) dashboards in SharePoint
Simple (but effective) dashboards in SharePoint
Blog Posts

One of the more common requests I get about putting SharePoint to good use is how to build a hyper-responsive, beautifully designed, amazingly cogent dashboard displaying all the key performance indicators (KPIs), report updates, big data analyses, and business intelligence of the day. Feel free to add in whichever new synergistic buzz phrase is relevant… READ MORE

What is PnP? Why should I consider it?
What is PnP? Why should I consider it?
Blog Posts

What is PnP? PnP (Pattern & Practices) is an initiative which include samples & guidance as how to transform your full trust code solutions to the add-in model. But PnP guidance started evolving to other areas as well, including SharePoint Framework, Office 365 APIs, Office Add-ins, and Microsoft Graph. PnP is community driven open source… READ MORE