Category: Best Practices

If you’re a site owner, it’s a good idea to create a governance model, often referred to as ‘Best Practices’ – that is, a model to address your site’s policies, processes, roles, and responsibilities. Naturally, commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct or most effective, are considered the best to follow.

As Best Practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives, usually it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means.

Therefore, this category is full of useful tips, practical examples and advise. With How To videos, eBooks, Webinars, Blogs to help you learn and become more productive in implementing Best Practices.

What Could Intelligent Automation Do For Your Business?
What Could Intelligent Automation Do For Your Business?
Blog Posts

Automation already plays a standout role in digital transformation. Going forward, the scope of its application in business will continue to expand as smart new technologies enter the mainstream.  As more organizations have moved away from slow, outdated manual ways of working, they have used automation technologies to digitize, optimize and accelerate their business processes.… READ MORE

Latest on the ESPC Community
Latest on the ESPC Community
Blog Posts

Grow and enhance your skills with the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Community. Joining the ESPC Community, gives you access to the online resource centre at, providing the best, free content on SharePoint, Azure and Office 365. Topics covered include Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, SharePoint Framework, Office 365 Groups, OneDrive, PowerApps & Flow, Security,… READ MORE

From resistance to change, to motivation
From resistance to change, to motivation
Blog Posts

Motivating  employees to change behaviour Resistance to change is what you’ll get without a proper change strategy for your collaboration platform. Collaboration software implementations traditionally were an IT project. And IT people tend to be more ‘what’ people. Tools is what they do, and what they like. They get excited about functionalities and features. But unlike… READ MORE

Design solutions using virtual machines - Part 1
Design solutions using virtual machines – Part 1
Blog Posts

Understand the Maintenance and Downtime Unplanned Hardware Maintenance Event This event occurs when Azure predicts either hardware or any platform component is going to fail. Azure Issue an unplanned hardware maintenance alert to reduce the impact to the VMs hosted on that hardware. What is the impact in this case?In this scenario Azure uses Live migration to… READ MORE

Leveraging the Newsfeed to Improve Adoption, Engagement and Productivity
Leveraging the Newsfeed to Improve Adoption, Engagement and Productivity

Download this eBook to learn: How to make employee engagement part of your strategy How the newsfeed can help solve the ‘push’ versus ‘pull’ communication dilemma  How to increase your SharePoint adoption and engagement. Look closely at the most popular sites on the worldwide web, and you’ll quickly recognise some common features between them. Whether or… READ MORE