Using Semantic Models to Address Business and Modeling Challenges

The semantic model in Power BI, previously referred to as a dataset, encompasses far more than just a set of tables connected by relationships. This model facilitates non-trivial calculations and diverse model representations, eliminating the need for new queries with each report.

In this session, we will explore the capabilities of a semantic model in addressing both business and modeling challenges, accessible even to those without prior experience in DAX or Power BI. We’ll start by examining the power of DAX measures in managing complex calculations, a task challenging in other languages such as SQL.

You’ll learn how a semantic model can navigate intricate relationships between business entities, execute dynamic calculations with varying rules based on report context, and apply transformations to existing calculations – all without needing to modify or understand the underlying code of existing measures.

Additionally, the session will explore the capabilities of composite models, which enable the creation of advanced semantic models based on existing ones, enhancing their functionality in various ways without requiring data duplication or extra processing time.

Join us to unlock the full potential of Power BI semantic models and revolutionize your data analytics approach.


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